Monday, April 03, 2006

Brokeback, the backdoor solution to Gendercide (not an official post per se)

Ok, so we've all had a riotous time these past 181 dangerously serious blogs up until now, I thought I'd propose something that might help China out.
Recently there have been a number of posts concerning the gendercide issue in China, the author of the "No Brokeback in China" may well enjoy the record for most posts on a blog, ever. What I'm sure many of you have been pondering is how exactly can we solve the gendercide problem in China? The answer was right in front of our noses. Aside from an expedient and destructive war of attrition in which half of the male population is suckered into military service and recklessly destroyed, I can see only one other immediate option;
1) allow "Brokeback Mountain" into the Chinese media (the un-pirated version) ,
2) support it thoroughly, as the government and its members do not risk losing votes any time soon.
3)legalize civil unions/ same sex marriage in China
4) support homosexuality as a pure and attractive alternative to finding a wife.

This does a number of things for the good of China. All of those unclaimed males running around with no one to look after their posterity would have nothing to worry about in terms of partnership! OK, granted, wouldn't require anyone to look after their posterity because they lack the necessary equipment to reproduce between the two of them! Furthermore, this fact alone would reduce the population. The economy would most likely boom, why not? Avian flu rates might drop. There would eventually be an increase in the number of available women. This is all a part of democracy and free choice= good for U.S./Chinese relations (we heart democracy! woo). And society would just all around (pun intended).
But sadly, China has failed to recognize this opportunity and thereby once again shot itself in the banded foot. Will they never learn? Up until then, I'm going to continue obsessing about how amazing their economy is and how we should all learn Chinese, a comment which will give off the impression to others that, I, savvy business man, know what's up.
"um,...Ni hau ma"


At 12:00 AM, Blogger Asahi633 said...

Thank you Jimmyfallen!
Pheonix; haha, good point(s). But you can't stop the pirates, yeargh.

Here's to radical nonsensical arguments that spur debate, here's to Fox news and the liberal rest of the media. Here's to STD's, and "choosing to be gay" or being prevented from turning gay via Larry H. Miller's wise judgement. Here's to the end of the semester in sight, and me passing out tonight. (*cheeky british chuckle*)

Timmy, show me how the world revolves around the US morally (with an article to back it up) so I can get legitimate comment points for voicing my opinions on the matter.

Hope a few of you would at least have pitied me with a soft librarian laugh though ;)

At 11:49 AM, Blogger nova said...

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At 11:49 AM, Blogger nova said...

WOW!!! Timmy I feel your frustrations. This far feched scheme does nothing but raise the # of STD and other different diseases. However, America isn't as opposed to homosexuality as they were in the past. (I.E. allowing homosexual marriages in various cities and states)

At 9:28 AM, Blogger Asahi633 said...

This is a bit off topic, but what does homosexuality have to do with STD's? Didn't we all learn via Magic Johnson that they are just as much a threat to heterosexuals?
In any case, I'm sure China will develop some scheme as to import women from Korea or Bangladesh. They may be able to find another niche market and exploit it with trade partners, we'll see.
Seriously though, I see China's population problem as something that will work itself out. The government can't be held responsible for either control nor letting the natural course of things pan out. It's the definition of a catch-22, but I truly believe the only progess that's going to be made will be through the channels that have so often been used in the past, ideology. The government needs to stand behind women and somehow allow for both participation as well as equality. Undoing thousands of years of tradition may be a bit difficult, but the immigrants to the United States managed it.(granted, it took a good hundred years and still has a few lines to iron out)

At 12:18 AM, Blogger Asahi633 said...

My mistake for looking back on this. Look, I'm not serious when I talk about China importing women from Korea. It's the downfall of blogging and I apologize, it's intended as sarcasm. I was making a stab at the tendency of China to simply buy everything and interact with an a-moral carefree attitude towards international politics in order to solve its own problems.


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